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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 22, Issue 6, pp. 1491-1803

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$C^\alpha (\bar \Omega )$ Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Degenerate Elliptic Systems Arising in the Thermistor Problem

Hong Xie and W. Allegretto

pp. 1491-1499

Existence and Multiplicity of Positive Radial Solutions for Semilinear Elliptic Equations in Annular Domains

Song-Sun Lin and Feng Ming Pai

pp. 1500-1515

Partial Regularity in Problems Motivated by Nonlinear Elasticity

Nicola Fusco and J. Hutchinson

pp. 1516-1551

Period Doubling with Higher-Order Degeneracies

Bruce B. Peckham and Ioannis G. Kevrekidis

pp. 1552-1574

Variational Principles without Definiteness Conditions

Paul Binding and Qiang Ye

pp. 1575-1583

Persistence of Invariant Tori in Systems of Coupled Oscillators. II. Degenerate Problems

Masaji Watanabe and Hans G. Othmer

pp. 1584-1630

The Existence of Infinitely Many Traveling Front and Back Waves in the FitzHugh–Nagumo Equations

Bo Deng

pp. 1631-1650

Stability Analysis of Stationary Solutions of Bistable Reaction-Variable Diffusion Systems

Hideo Ikeda and Masayasu Mimura

pp. 1651-1678

Integral Equation Methods in a Quasi-Periodic Diffraction Problem for the Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations

J. C. Nedelec and F. Starling

pp. 1679-1701

Diffusion of Fluid in a Fissured Medium with Microstructure

R. E. Showalter and N. J. Walkington

pp. 1702-1722

On Parabolic Volterra Equations in Several Space Dimensions

Hong-Ming Yin

pp. 1723-1737

Analyticity of Solutions of the Korteweg–De Vries Equation

Nakao Hayashi

pp. 1738-1743

Geometry of Rational Functions and Nonlinear Integrable Systems

Yoshimasa Nakamura

pp. 1744-1754

The Interior Transmission Problem and Inverse Scattering from Inhomogeneous Media

B. P. Rynne and B. D. Sleeman

pp. 1755-1762

On the Inverse of the Discrete Two-Dimensional Wave Operator at CFL

Robert Glassey, Ernst Horst, Andrew Lenard, and Jack Schaeffer

pp. 1763-1775

Approximation by Piecewise Exponentials

Junjiang Lei and Rong-Qing Jia

pp. 1776-1789

On the Determination of Ziglin Monodromy Groups

Richard C. Churchill and David L. Rod

pp. 1790-1802

Addendum: Hypergeometric Expansions of Heun Polynomials

E. G. Kalnins and W. Miller, Jr.

p. 1803